Wyatt FossettComment

Five pieces of tech that can be repurposed to make riding better

Wyatt FossettComment
Five pieces of tech that can be repurposed to make riding better

Written for FortNine

<INT.> old man is visibly having a difficult time using a computer


Technology can be frustrating. 

(PTC pullback from old man to reveal host)

It can also be game-changing. 

(INS Doordash Ordering) 


*doorbell rings* Ohhhh!

(INS door opens to reveal food delivery placed on mat, with F9 logo on bag)



Modern technology and the Elons of the world have only recently begun impregnating our motorcycles with new-fangled gadgets and doodads. 

(INS of motorcycle electronics) 

Some of which is more complicated than trying to figure out how to facetime your ungrateful grandkids….

(PTC with retro bike)

Ask anyone that operates one of these bad boys *slaps tank* and they will tell you it runs on history, pistons, and good old fashion grease. 

These *shows phone as an example of modern tech* are the antithesis of freedom. Yet, technology … 

(INS showing close-ups of all of the things with modern technology in the immediate vicinity)

Is adapting, and changing almost every aspect of our lives. 


There is, however, a way to improve our daily rides without giving into the BEZOSes and Gates of today. And all without propelling your motorcycle into the twentieth century where things run on batteries ...  and liberal rainbows

(PTC)  - Beeline Velo 

Coming off of a very successful fundraising campaign, the Beeline Velo is receiving a version 2 upgrade in the coming months. It is simple, elegant, and completely frees the rider to spend more time looking at the road. Using collective data and ride ratings, the Beeline Velo 2 is the perfect minimalistic navigation unit and gps buddy. And … 

(INS snapping onto the handlebars) 

It mounts directly to your handlebars.

(PTC pull back to see host sitting on bike sideways)

Or (unclicks and tosses Beeline Velo away, and pulls out Beeline Moto) you can use one of THESE.

(PTC holding Beeline)

The team behind Beeline had so much adoration for their original product from those in the moto fan club, that they released this; the Beeline Moto2, designed specifically for those who pilot one of these


Originally designed for those on a pedal bike (points to bicycle), motorized two-wheel aficionados saw the potential, sparking the company to make small adjustments to satiate the minor changes it needed. 

(VIDEO Beeline promo 1)

Adding waterproofing -- the pedaling Velo version is only water-resistant -- and physical buttons -- because we act like fragile kids in bubbles while wearing these (slips on moto glove) -- the Moto is the more premier option for those looking to step-up, and simplify their nav.

In addition to turn-by-turn traffic directions, the Beeline Moto retains the simple mode from the Velo. This mode merely maintains indicators for the direction of your destination not how to get there. Allowing riders to find their way on their own … ish. 


On-route, or afterward, riders can rate their travel. This collected information is designed to grant better options for travelers. Riders already share their favourite roads and trips in person or on forums. 

(Video Beeline Promo) 

The Beeline gathers that data, shares it with other riders, so that you can know which are good routes (ray of light and holy sounds), and which are ones to avoid (traffic noises). 


Cut the chatter, and keep your phone in your pocket, all while avoiding getting lost. 


1 https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ridebeeline/beeline-velo-2-better-cycling-routes-navigation-and-tracking 

2 https://beeline.co/pages/beeline-moto 

(PTC Smartwatches)

Another fantastic way to keep your eyes on the road, and your cellphone safety in your (pats pocket) pocket, is to ditch the interface altogether and strapon (oooohs) one of these.

(INS smartwatch on wrist)


Instead of worrying about every single beep and buzz coming from your smartphone, wearing one of these can minimize the time taken to check up on the outside world while you’re traveling on our favourite A-to-B machines. 

(INS of POV on bike)

I wear mine on my throttle wrist. That way, when I’m at a stop I can easily raise my hand to my face, and see if my notifications are matters that need to be attended to immediately. Otherwise, I twist my wrist to the right to dismiss messages and continue enjoying the ride. 


As a bonus, if you have an in-helmet Bluetooth system, you can easily pause or change music, answer or decline phone calls, or even … you know … check the time. 

(INS Watch on wrist, pov on bike) 

Better still, smartwatches like this one, my Samsung Gear S23, have tactile inputs (spins exterior dial) that allow even minimal interaction while wearing … 

(PTC sitting on the bike showing off gloves)

Motorcycle gloves. Notorious (taps on phone) technology cock-blockers. 


3 https://www.samsung.com/ca/MKT/gear-s2/features/ 

(PTC) Garmin Tire Pressure Monitor

Pressure may mount for you to assimilate into modern technologies, but there is one innovation -- specifically designed for motorcycles -- that can change the way you ride. Or, at least, grant you comfort through knowledge. 

(INS CU on pressure monitors)

These little Garmin-made pressure monitors4 replace the cap on your wheels and give riders exact measurements of tire pressure. Though, you will need to be part of the Garmy to use them, as they only connect to certain Garmin GPS devices.


Whether you are on track, trails, or just traveling the roads, it is always a fantastic idea to know that you’re riding atop the right psi, or have the tools to change your pressure on the fly. (deflation sound)


4 https://buy.garmin.com/en-CA/CA/p/131744 

(PTC) Somewear Global Hotspot

Speaking of air. Nothing can suck it out of a trip like zipping down the road only to hit a pocket of this 

(Zoom out from the F9 garage to overhead of Canada … or we could be nice and just use the map on the wall in the garage)

gigantically beautiful country of ours, 

(INS holding phone up to map, showing no signal) 

that doesn’t have a wifi or cellphone signal. This disaster is enough to scare the cold-brew out of any millennial (INS hipster spitting out coffee).


So before the young and disenfranchised get delirious sans social media fix and begin volumetrically regurgitating Walt Wittman to the flora and fauna …

(Cut to Hipster performing poetry in a forest)

My tongue, every atom of my blood, formed this soil, this air.

Born here of parents born here from parents the same, and their parents the same … 

(PTC in the forest, emerged from behind a tree)

Take one of these with you …

(INS of holding pocket hotspot)

And you’ll hardly find a place aside from the peak of the Rocky Mountains without a signal of some kind. 

(PTC walking past delirious hipster)

While you may be able to purchase a pocket hotspot from your cellular provider, purposefully designed tech like this (holds up product), Somewear’s Global Hotspot, boasts 100% satellite connection coverage. Granting you simple access to messaging, maps, and weather reporting apps even when WAY off-grid.

(PTC in forest / walk and talk)

Don’t lose touch (points to hipster) with the present, and maintain a level of safety for emergencies when heading out on the road. (Walks off-screen)

(O.S. host finishing hipster’s poem)

I, now thirty-seven years old in perfect health begin,

Hoping to cease not until death.

(PTC In studio) Dusk Electromagnetic Sunglasses

These? (holds up sunglasses) Well, they are rewriting the future of helmet visors. Or, the need to not even worry about one. 

(INS host face wearing glasses)

The Dusk Electromagnetic Sunglasses. One tap on the app annnnnnd … (Glasses turn into Sunglasses) VOILA! … You can't see shit indoors.

(PTC exterior of the studio)

(Garage door opens) You can, however, see much better in the bright sunlight. Saving you from having to always wear just shades under your visor, or worse yet, pulling over on the side of a freeway to change your clear visor to a dark one. Currently...

(INS of website)

Dusk shades are 1600% funded on Indiegogo7. So clearly humans with eyes are excited about this product. 


Although this concept has been done at laughably minimum efforts before by motorcycle gear manufacturers -- AGV once made a shitty LCD-based electronic face shield5 back in 2015 that never took off … thank god, and Pinlock has a sun-reactive visor6 that works like transition eyeglass lenses -- Dusk, however, is raising the bar. 


The size and the drive behind these little sunglasses can and will shape tomorrow’s tint and visor dreams. The small package, the everyday use, and the added benefit of open-ear audio for calls and music in their higher-scale version make the Dusk shades a pretty stellar addition to your ride. 





BONUS: Nokia 6110 Navigator


As a bonus item, perhaps you should think about swapping this (holds up iPhone) for one of these (pulls Nokia Nav out of pocket). 

Jump back in time to the late 2000’s, ditch the distractions, the modern smartphone, and the dissociative mental disorder you’ve developed by staring at social media for so long and get a dumber phone. 

(INS of 6110 Nav)

Equipped with both phone capabilities and a full pocket GPS system, 


the Nokia 6110 Navigator mobile phones are the very same ones that Charlie Boorman and Ewan McGregor used in their Long Way Down adventure travel series.

And …  if it is good enough for Obi-Wan Kenobi, it’s good enough for me. 


So there you have it. Six small pieces of technology to let creep into your mechanical world that could vastly improve your time in the saddle.